Water System Planning under a Low-Carbon Grid
The project "Flexible design and operation of water resource systems to tackle the triple challenges of climate change, the energy transition, and population growth" is running from 2023 to 2026. It is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK Research & Innovation (UKRI).
Rationale and aim
A reliable water supply and a successful energy transition are two necessary conditions for a sustainable future. Yet, we know little about how the switch to intermittent renewables (wind, solar) for our energy supply will affect the operation of our water infrastructure. The time for planning for this is now: unpreparedness in the face of energy supply fluctuations has wide-ranging economic impacts, as demonstrated by the energy crisis that struck Europe and the UK in 2022-23.
The dual aim of this project is (1) to develop a fast water-energy simulator to quantify the impacts of a decarbonised nationwide power grid on water resource systems, and (2) to demonstrate its integration into state-of-the-art strategic water resource planning. This simulator will be the first to enable the exploration of the joint dynamics of water resource systems and low carbon energy systems at timescales ranging from hourly to multi-annual. This project will also promote an improved understanding of flexibility as an opportunity to adapt to a decarbonised grid as well as to buffer against drought.
Learn more via the Project Overview page.
News and outputs: the latest
This section only contains the latest. To access a log of all activities please go to the Activities page; a "Project output" page will be added in time.
The project started in April 2023, so research is still in progress. The first steering committee meeting took place on the 12 September (Minutes).
Contact us
To get in touch, please email the Principal Investigator Dr Charles Rougé at c.rouge@sheffield.ac.uk or alternatively, feel free to directly contact Dr XXX at XXX: she's currently carrying out most of the cool research programme envisioned in this project!